It has been awhile since I have thought about you. You have been absent from my mind because I have found something better for me. It is not you because you are still part of me. I just need to find time to place you back into my routine.

Don’t be sad. I am a bad girl when it comes to my time. I am cheating on you but I have too many of you in my life.

I still love you. I will always love you because you are my first love. But I am working on my forgotten love but you will still be part of it. In a different way….my spirit has changed to do better. You had helped me through it. I am not perfect. You have to be tucked in the shadows for a little longer until I can convince my new love that you are part of me. I don’t want to separate from you. People need to see where I came from and who I am now.

You are part of it. I will introduce you, but not now, my love.

Dedicated to my Fictional Writing (Creative Writing Blog)



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