Free Writing: It has been awhile….

It has been awhile since I have thought about you. You have been absent from my mind because I have found something better for me. It is not you because you are still part of me. I just need to find time to place you back into my routine.

Don’t be sad. I am a bad girl when it comes to my time. I am cheating on you but I have too many of you in my life.

I still love you. I will always love you because you are my first love. But I am working on my forgotten love but you will still be part of it. In a different way….my spirit has changed to do better. You had helped me through it. I am not perfect. You have to be tucked in the shadows for a little longer until I can convince my new love that you are part of me. I don’t want to separate from you. People need to see where I came from and who I am now.

You are part of it. I will introduce you, but not now, my love.

Dedicated to my Fictional Writing (Creative Writing Blog)



Book : Haitian Crow (CH2 Excerpt)


Chapter 2

QUINCY : “a man, who chases his thoughts, may always wander”

Quincy throws his suitcase in the trunk. He barely touches the trunk door but it creates a loud slamming sound. As it slams, he looks up at the hotel room that he had spent an interesting evening. The woman, Ari, appears over the balcony smiling at him with a childish giggle. He smiles back as she flips her long black hair. The sun hits his blue eyes which make him pull his gaze away for a minute. She is gone. Again. Another fantasy…illusion of his mind…he cannot deviate from his mind. His spirit speaks the truth but his mind continues to create this string of lies. He is pulled in a ray of confusion but he insists to know the truth, if there is one.

 (I am combining my short story, Quincy  and screenplay, Rains of Acid (supernatural), so this is part of the transition. The opening has adult content. I wrote the short story 7 years ago and the screenplay 20 years ago -give or take)






Slumbering into Rest

She walks steady in her white walled room. The room is not decorated because it is a rented room. No need to add decor to a place she wants to leave in a year. After a long day, she crawls in her bed.

She lays her sleepy head on her pillow. She wants slumber – not rest -slumber to somewhere else besides here.

After awhile, she opens her eyes gently. Her eyes flash a shadowy broad man. He hovers over her.

“I’m not an intruder of the flesh” that whispers into her dreamy mind.

She lingers at him with a pause of curiosity as he returns the moment. Her earthy mind registers to her physical senses. His presence stands over her to engage in her child-like curiosity.

He walks carefully as her eyes follow his trail. He exits through her window from her two story building.

She closes her eyes. She rests.